Tanya Ling Studio


Tate Gallery Instagram Takeover

Tate Gallery Instagram Takeover


Follow the feed @tategallery

April 15th – 21st 2015


Tanya Ling Studio is delighted to announce that Tanya Ling has been invited to takeover the Tate Gallery Instagram account in order to celebrate the exhibition Sonia Delaunay (1885–1979), Tate Modern, 15th April – 9th August 2015. Like Ling’s, Delaunnay’s practice encompassed a wide range of media and disciplines including painting, textile design, costume design and clothing.

Ling’s Instagram account TANYA_LING has acquired something of a cult following amongst members of the art world, fashion industry and Instagram aficionados. She was possibly the first user to build a mosaic where the individual tiles fed through the app only make sense when seen together in the grid view. One set of images link to another to create a never ending sequence.

A second Ling instagram account idea_drawings features Ling’s idea drawings.




Darbyshire Framemakers
19-23 White Lion Street
N1 9PD

Viewing by appointment
16th January – 20th March 2015

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